Windows XP Updates Ending Soon

As with each version of Microsoft's OS's there is a end of life, specifically when it comes to "officially" supporting it with updates. I remember when Windows NT reached the end not too long ago. Next its Windows XP. Yes dont turn a blind eye, before you know it there will be no more Windows XP support, maintenance software and updates will dwindle eventually. So whats next Vista? Well with the anxiously anticipated release of Vista's Service pack 1, many have opted to stick with XP for now, but how much longer can you hang in there?

With windows XP going off the market early 2008, this means that probably in 2009 Microsoft will stop releasing non-security software updates, which means you would want a supported OS , next in line is Vista.
If Microsoft continues to face delay after delay then some may contemplate moving over to Mac's OS X or Linux Ubuntu distribution which is free. While Windows Vista may not be a pleasant option for Windows users, the next Windows 7 isnt due for around 3 more years which kind of puts users in a tight spot when it comes to a reliable supported Windows OS.