Microsoft about a year ago started collecting a wish list form asking people what features they would like to see in the next version of Windows, currently code-named Windows 7. The top features in this list were recently leaked to the public.
The features are listed in no particular order, but they break down into various categories depending on what part of Windows the feature request falls under. Many requests for improvements in Internet Explorer, such as a session restore function, are fairly obvious wishes for features that already exist in competitive products such as Firefox and Opera. Other suggestions, such as a tabbed Windows Explorer, look for features from web browsers to migrate into the general user interface. Also a built-in video and audio codec manager which is much needed in windows vista media player 11.
For the Complete list see the following here . The feedback program that collected this list is Microsoft’s means of getting user suggestions for the Windows development team to analyze and possibly implement in the next version of Windows 7 (next release after Windows Vista).
There are also requests for old features which have fallen by the wayside to be brought back, such as the return of domain lists at the welcome screen to ease the login process and the ability to install outlook express on Vista and future versions.
The Windows 7 team has been allegedly directed to look at all major desktop operating systems, including the latest Linux distributions and Apple's OS X Leopard, but this was more for general impressions than to look for specific features to implement. Development of Windows 7, which is being built off the Windows Vista code base, so far with about half of the desired features already implemented.
The features are listed in no particular order, but they break down into various categories depending on what part of Windows the feature request falls under. Many requests for improvements in Internet Explorer, such as a session restore function, are fairly obvious wishes for features that already exist in competitive products such as Firefox and Opera. Other suggestions, such as a tabbed Windows Explorer, look for features from web browsers to migrate into the general user interface. Also a built-in video and audio codec manager which is much needed in windows vista media player 11.
For the Complete list see the following here . The feedback program that collected this list is Microsoft’s means of getting user suggestions for the Windows development team to analyze and possibly implement in the next version of Windows 7 (next release after Windows Vista).
There are also requests for old features which have fallen by the wayside to be brought back, such as the return of domain lists at the welcome screen to ease the login process and the ability to install outlook express on Vista and future versions.
The Windows 7 team has been allegedly directed to look at all major desktop operating systems, including the latest Linux distributions and Apple's OS X Leopard, but this was more for general impressions than to look for specific features to implement. Development of Windows 7, which is being built off the Windows Vista code base, so far with about half of the desired features already implemented.