Firefox 3 - Have you made the switch?

Its been several months now I have used Firefox 3 Beta on Ubuntu 8.04. On my windows PC I have Firefox 2.x.

With the latest version now being official I installed Firefox 3 in windows along side version 2.x just incase.

In other words, I choose the custom install option when installing Firefox 3 and installed it into a separate directory on my Windows PC so that it would not overwrite version 2.x . That way I could compare side by side the results , differences and speed. My main concern are the security vulnerabilities and the consumption of memory that Firefox has. Other than that everything else about Firefox is superior to other browsers I have tried in the past.

Below is a walkthrough reviewing my first experience with Firefox 3 Final release.

This is an unbiased look at Firefox, although I must say overall Firefox still is my browser of choice.
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