Ubuntu - Enabling Desktop Effects

By default in Ubuntu there is a subset of effects (Compiz Fusion) enabled, however there is more to just fade-in and out windows when it comes to desktop effects, Ubuntu has the most of any operating system out there.

If you are thinking about installing Ubuntu, take a look at my previous article to help you how here.

In this article I have various walkthroughs on enabling the advanced desktop effects which allow you to have the 3D cube, wobbly Windows, virtual desktop areas and many more which I show in my videos below.

First thing is to ensure you have set up the Advanced Desktop Effects in Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) or Gutsy (7.10). Once you have this you can enable more advanced effects. I my case I have Ubuntu 7.10, and will show you first the 3d Cube option. Each of my video will go through different desktop effects.

Ubuntu has a desktop effect for viewing multiple workspace areas at once (Expo) and manipulating your running programs between them. On the Mac's OS X Leopard this same feature is called "Expose" , however the Ubuntu "Expo" effect is fully configurable and supports multiple monitors and more. This is a walkthrough showing how to use it.

Ubuntu has many animation effects that can be applied to all your actions, such as minimizing and maximizing windows. This walkthrough shows you how to select and modify them.

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